The right color palette can boost your home’s curb appeal and make it the envy of your neighborhood, perhaps even increase its value. In today’s post, local window and door installation company Window World of Boston shares a quick guide to creating beautiful exteriors with the right siding and trim colors.
Choose the Styles and Profiles
If siding and trim installation is part of the plan, consider the effect of texture and profile on your home’s exterior. Consider combining standard horizontal clapboard siding with vertical or shingled siding for contrast, which can be further complemented with the right trim. Vertically-oriented siding can add visual height to upper stories, while shingled siding can add texture that complements similar roofing styles.
Plan Your Color Palette
It’s never too early to plan your exterior color palette, particularly if your choice of siding material has molded-in colors, or if you’re having replacement windows installed along with new siding. Begin planning your color palette by looking for a starting point, which could be your existing roof, or permanent components like bricks or hardscaping. Other potential starting points are color trends, or colors that are associated with your home’s architectural style.
Since siding takes up a greater area than trim, it is usually assigned the dominant color. Choosing the same siding color across the board can result in a plain look, but this is where variations in siding profile and style comes into play. Using different shades of the same color can likewise add visual interest without making the exterior look too busy.
Work With Siding Professionals
Siding professionals like us do more than just install siding — we also help our clients plan and visualize their exterior color palettes, as well as choose materials. Whether you’re having your home’s siding replaced for the first time or you’re a hands-on homeowner who knows exactly what they need, we can help turn your plans into a beautiful finished installation.
Learn more about our services, including siding installation and home window repair, by calling Window World of Boston at (781) 262-3925 (Woburn), (781) 343-7129 (Pembroke) or (508) 845-6676 (Shrewsbury). You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.